Friday, July 29, 2005

"I'm doing this only once."

This article has been retracted for special reasons.

If you are interested in reading this article, please send an e-mail with the name of the article you want to read and your real name.

E-M@IL: Benners' World

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

7 Day Reflect

Its coming. 30 years. Even though some of you who are reading that small number are cringing and some others are wondering what my deal is, to me its a big year.

So, because its a big deal to me I took the week off of when my birthday happens. Other than the fact that CV is taking me to Cedar Point and I have to goto her company picnic. My problem is I need some questions answered and I need to figure out what is going to happen in the next 30 years. I would rather have a basic plan this time, as opposed to the last 30, where it was full of hatred, anger, pain and an outright meltdown at certain points. Don't get me wrong, I've had my good times too. There has been good things and a ton of harsh learning I have done during that time. I'm just trying to create a future with less goof-ups. Here are some basic points, feel free to comment on this.... PLEASE!

1) Where do I want to end up living? Ohio sucks, I'm not staying here forever. When is the most strategic point to leave?

2) Will my current career (if you want to call it that) last? Or is it in the last throughs of the insurgency? Or will it end soon? TDs are turning into computers and/or directors. Any dumbfuck can edit video.

3) Do Holly and I need to bite the bullet and further our educations?

4) Bad habits will need to stop. Where can I constructively use this energy?

5) Negative energy will need to stop. Where can I plow this huge amount of energy?

6) Health and exercise? I need to start paying attention, though my health for the most part is great.

7) Holly and I need to come to a better understanding of these goals and attributes. Some talk, more action.

The plan so far:

2006 - Get Married.
2006-2008 - Make a little boy Jakob or a girl.
2007-2008 - Own a house and/or leave Ohio.
2006-?- Have pets! Tonka and Rufus?

Don't hold me to those years. Things change up all the time.

You see, its not really about how old I am. I am trying to create a boarder between my stupidity years and the more conscious, deliberate and intelligent years. I would rather do this at 30 than 40, 50... or 60? So much time wasted, I think its time to move forward.

30 Years is 10,957 Days is 657,420 Minutes is 39,445,200 Seconds.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Road of My Life

We all have our own paths in life. I thought I would share mine today through maps.

Birth to 9 Years Old
Crestland Rd., Cleveland, OH

A nice quiet neighborhood in East Cleveland. Century old houses line the streets. It has a park that connects to Lake Erie at the end of the street. I remember playing outside most of the time. I went to St. John Lutheran grade school from K through 3rd grade.

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10 to 16 Years Old
Dundee DR., Richmond Heights, OH

I lived here with my mother, sister, step-father, step-brother. The backyard was woods and a huge ravine that we played in all the time. The area was pretty tight nit and quiet, the street we were on was over a mile of neighborhood to the closest main road. During my time here I went through 4th to part of my 10th grades, played a lot of soccer, trombone and was in the Boy Scouts. I attended St. Pascal Baylon grade school, University School and Richmond Heights High School here. I moved away from my mother and step-father never to continue a relationship with them to this day.

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16 to ? Years Old
Silver Birtch Lane, Lincoln, MA

I lived here with my Dad, his business partner and his business partners' entourage. I remember the entourage was quite mean and selfish. I continued the 10th grade here I believe at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional. A very nice area, I wish I took more advantage of it.

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16 to 17 Years Old
Rt. 9, Framingham, MA

Me, my Dad and his business partner lived somewhere along Rt. 9, I'm really forgetful of the exact address. I believe I finished the 10th grade and was in the middle of 11th grade in the same school district as above even though I did not live in the district.

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17 to 18 Years Old
Woodridge Rd., Wayland, MA

I lived in part of a house with my father here. I continued and graduated from Wayland High School here. My Dad and I had a falling out here that I regret to this day. I ended up renting a room from some extremely generous people till I graduated. I don't think I ever thanked my Dad for busting his ass to keep us alive at that time. I was young and dumb.

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18 Years Old
Waco, TX

For one month only I lived in Waco. I consider it living there as opposed to visiting because I worked at the Trane AC factory during my time there. Why was I there? My sister fled from Columbus, OH to Waco, TX to her mother because she wanted to get away from Hung, her boyfriend. I ended up helping Hung get there because he is illiterate and directionless. I had nothing better to do at this point.

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18 Years Old
Wildindigo Run, Westerville,OH

I lived here for 3 months with my sister, her boyfriend and their 2 children. We left Waco because there is no work for illiterate Chinese men there. I spent every living moment working and saving money to further my education here. Not much to say about here, my sister let me sleep in the closet.

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18 to 21 Years Old
University Blvd., Winter Park, FL

I went to Full Sail, a technology school that taught audio, video and film recording and techniques. After bouncing around and living at 6 different addresses I was learning a lot of life lessons. After running out of money, nearly starving, being robbed and working too much, I did complete my schooling there. I think I got more out of what happened outside of the school that what was actually being taught in the school. I stayed with the school running their mailroom mainly because I didn't have a car or driver license and no help otherwise. I do not recommend the school and I do not recommend living there.

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22 to 24 Years Old
Scofield Ct., Dublin, OH

My sister ended up helping me out of Florida and let me use her basement for some personal space. I lived with my sister, her boyfriend and her (now) four children. It was very cramped and loud most of the time, therefore I ended up working two jobs to get things going. I also got my drivers license and a bomb of a car. Working and sleeping took up almost all of my time.

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24 to 26 Years Old
Wimbledon Blvd., Columbus, OH
I had been chatting and talking on the internet for 6 years by this point of my life. Some people have been mistakes to talk to but one person I always looked forward to was Holly. Holly and I got this place together. Though I could finally call the place my own, the area kinda sucks. The rental management were idiots and morons and we ended up trying to desperately get out of there.

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26 to My Current Age
Moreland Dr. W., Columbus, OH

Holly and I found a place we could be comfortable at last. A duplex that gave us our own yard and space to grow. The next place we will live will either be ownership of a house or ...

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Holly and I have also discussed leaving the area. There is really nothing here that is a good enough reason to stay. Below are some maps of places we have discussed. The main factors for us are that the move should be to better our lives and also be able to raise a child in a safe environment.

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Monday, July 25, 2005

28.5% and lowering.

CV and I have been on 7 trips/vacations together. Of those seven trips we (I) got into 2 car accidents. Both times I was driving, making a left hand turn at low speed in a crappily marked intersection while a "local" ignorantly slams into me.

Wilmington, NC

We were slightly lost and accidentally took the US 17 Alt route and we were trying to get back on track. In an intersection that had multiple lanes that turn together, but poorly marked, a lady T-Boned me in the drivers door. It was over 100 degrees that day and the rookie cop screwed up all the details. Somehow, I was ticketed for reckless driving. The lady that hit me was admitting to me that this is the third time she had done this to someone. Stupid pig didn't catch that. Anyway, it cast a black cloud on the rest our trip and CV had to drive around with a huge dent in her door and her insurance tripled for 2.5 years afterward.

Carroltown, KY 9/2003 (Home of the tobacco Festival?)

Coming back from a couple exploring days from Mammoth Caves, we took a pit stop at the above "dip-in-the-road" for gas and burgers. Driving down the unlit road that connects to I-71 a Mazda started tailgating me, CV got nervous about it and told me to be careful. So I quickly swerved into the turning lanes and the car followed. As I started my turn the car behind me bared right to get back into the straight lane, I admit I was mainly watching him. Anyway, I was just starting to turn when a old rusty VW bug came blasting out of a BP gas station and tore into the front end of my car. Airbags went off and that gunpowder smell fogged the air. I was furious and I began shaking the steering wheel as if I was going to rip it off. I looked over to CV and she seemed completely dazed and confused of what just happened. The guy in the Mazda came to ask me if I was okay and tried to move my vehicle, when I started putting my foot down, he tore off.

The VW ended up also hitting a truck getting off the freeway and landed into a concrete barrier. The VW was totaled. The truck had minor damage. Everyone lived. My car's front end was basically ripped off, the front hood was folded upwards and the airbags smashed the windshield. If I was any further into the turn, we would have been dead. We had to stay the night because I didn't have any headlights. For $500, I had $5000 worth of repair done to my car.

The worst was yet to come. As the police were attending to my accident, the rubberneckers on the overpass in the near distance caused a bigger accident. A 18-wheeler flipped and about 3 cars were smooshed in the process.

I am keeping track because I get extremely nervous on long trips now. The lower the percentage the better. We have also driven to Maine/MA/NH 3 times without incident and two trips to OK as well.


I would especially like to thank Jane and my Dad for letting CV and I come to the house in Maine and stay for over a week. I think CV and I just needed some quiet time together and it helped to be able to escape our non-stop stress-infested rat-race lives for some time. And where else is there a better place than the J&J-B&B?

Extraordinary hospitality. A beautiful room facing somewhat east to catch the early sunrises of the east coast. Less than a quarter mile to the beach. Lobster. Small towns only moments away to explore.

Points of interest:

Acadia National Park

Atlantic Eyrie Hotel (The best palce to stay in Bar Harbor)

Bar Harbor

Whale Watching

Rockefeller Carriage Roads

Mt. Agamenticus

Flo's Hot Dogs

Goldenrod Kisses

Cape Neddick, Nubble Lighthouse

Bass Harbor Lighthouse

Lighthouse Depot

Goat Island Lighthouse

Portland Head Light

Cape Elizabeth Light

Egg Rock Lighthouse

Cadillac Mountain

Wells Beach


All this would have never been posible with out the help, inspiration and ecouragement of Jane and my Dad. Thank you for the experience. I would like to make a DVD out of the video I shot. Stay tuned.

Friday, July 22, 2005


Glad to see you are reading my blog!

Damned Demand Proper Justice!

This article has been retracted for special reasons.

If you are interested in reading this article, please send an e-mail with the name of the article you want to read and your real name.

E-M@IL: Benners' World

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Chuck & My Music Reviews

While I was in Maine, my good ole friend Chuck paid me a visit. This is nothing out of the ordinary for him, he will tear half way around the world to nod "hello" to you. He is probably the last person to keep in touch from my Massachusetts days and I'm glad he keeps in touch to this day to get me the good gossip.
With his wisdom in beer, dashing red haired good looks, odd mixed accent and the most traveled walk without a rhythm he met Holly and I in Wells this past Saturday. We walked/stumbled the beaches and chatted about things going on, gossip about the "boys from Sudbury" and he inspired us with his overseas travel stories.
Sunday was more of the same. We walked "The Marginal Way" between Ogunquit and York to Perkins Cove, went to Kennebunkport for lunch and literally "chilled" at Wells Beach till the tide started to encroach upon us.
If anything, it was great to see Chuck again and I'm glad he took the time to drive the couple hours and brave the New Hampshire toll hell.

He also came bearing two CDs he gave me.


Mr. North : Lifesize

This is your basic rock band but has high positive energy in which compliments the superb vocals. This is not your whinny alternative band. If you like rock that actually uses the concept of melody, you may want to check these Dubliners out. The link is above, you can also find them on iTunes.

Stand : Transmissions

Another Dublin rock band that embraces melody. According to Holly, these guys sound like Red Hot Chili Peppers. I think she correct with the vocals, but I get more of an Irish/Celtic beat feeling from some of the songs. Please correct me if I am wrong. I especially like the ballad, "Torch", a very nice tune. The unfortunate thing is whoever mixed the album let the vocals drown out some of the interesting effects. If you know me, you know my ears and brain turn the vocals into an instrument, I don't listen for actual lyrics. All of their instruments are played tight and extremely well together. The link is above, also check them out at iTunes and other online music stores.

Thanks Chuck.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

In one piece.

We made it back from vacation last night at around 11pm. Approximately 3.5 hours later than expected due to a tanker truck tipping & spilling on I-84 in Connecticut. Tons of chores to do today. I will explain more in near future.

If you goto just one place in your life, goto Acadia National Park. Its definitely worth the trip.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I Haven't Been Everywhere, Man.

Friday, July 01, 2005


This is a satellite image. Any guesses of what it is?

[image being fixed]

I'm confused.

This article has been retracted for special reasons.

If you are interested in reading this article, please send an e-mail with the name of the article you want to read and your real name.

E-M@IL: Benners' World