Wars of Stars
We got to see Star Wars on Sunday morning. Not only was it visually dazzling but it answered a ton of questions I've always had. It is worth seeing it in the theater no matter what and Jar Jar does not have any speaking roles, you only see him twice for no more than 10 seconds each. A lot of people I know went to see it opening night/morning. It was described to me as total Star Wars anarchy. Those master replica light sabers they have been pimping on G4 and at your local trading store are a total hit with the Geeks of the Empire and they displayed so at opening night. After looking at the pictures of the events on everyone's camera phones, Holly and I obeyed the force and saw the Lucas phenom. I especially enjoyed the quote that Lucas partially stole from good ole "George Dubya"..... "If you are not with us..... you are fighting us". Not an exact quote but you get the point (Dubya is a Sith Lord). I also saw the fabled millennium falcon at the beginning of the movie, after they "land" and as they are arriving at the city, look to your lower right...I promise, its there.... I don't believe Han would be flying it, because that would make him a 10 year old pilot I believe. Yup, I'm a dorkin over this flick...it blows away 1 and 2, I promise.
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