Thursday, December 08, 2005

We Declared What?!

Ok, so this is like ...getting a little too ridiculous. Politicians are blaming one another for trying to destroy Christmas. I have been hearing this goofball stuff for the last couple weeks and I'm sick of it. So, I am going to set things straight. Or, explain how things have been for the last 200 years.

Church (and/or Religion) is separated from state. It says so in our United States Constitution.


This does not mean Christmas is under fire. It means that people who do not believe in Christianity will not be persecuted or singled out for their own beliefs and they don't have to have it shoved down their throats everyday.

This also means all government property should have nothing about religion what-so-ever. No crosses, no nativity scenes, no 10 Commandments, no prayer in the classroom (unless a student is exercising their speech rights), no bibles. Which also includes that I don't support swearing in our President on one either. A New Testament Bible... gee, can't wait for the first Jewish President.

This DOES NOT mean that you are stopped from practicing your religion. Pound a cross into your front yard, Praise Jesus in the public or in your church. Go ahead; celebrate in what you believe. I could care less what you do.

I personally like Christmas' traditions. Not really a believer in the whole Jesus thing, but the Christmas tree is fun to get, swapping gifts is cool... the whole ambience is pretty neat for me. But I'm not religious about it, I just enjoy the non-religious traditions. Frosty.... Rudolph... Santa... Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men... that stuff.

Politicians seem to think that people like myself are out to destroy Christmas because we don't want the religious side of it displayed ANYWHERE! Thats just not true. I have recently heard that malls and shopping centers have stopped using religious specific wording and decorations .... but its not pandering to my non-religiousness. Nope, those stores want everyone's money... they want even the Muslims, Jews and Buddhists to get in their store and buy it all up. The stores just want everyone in on the tradition by making it less Christian specific. Welcome to our capitalist society.... nobody ever said that us non-religious were stopping you from celebrating your beliefs! So go ahead, celebrate your traditional Christmas.... I'm going to celebrate my type of traditional Christmas. If you don't like it... tough! I don't like shallow Christian politicians... but I'm not gonna shove that in your face on national television.

You Christians have to ask yourselves more of, "What would Jesus do?" and less of "How would Jesus judge that guy?".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY! That's our stocking LOL

12/09/2005 9:40 PM  

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