Friday, September 30, 2005


Now I have the whole story.

Nothing set him off. He set himself off. As the rest of the camera crew was getting ready for the show, our pal was tightly gripping the handles of his camera, breathing hard and staring directly forward. Once all the talent was in place (a total of 5) he stompped forward to the set and started his hysterical screaming and waving his fists.


After his rampage of words, he went back to doing his job. During the show, he was reportedly pacing the length of the studio and making everyone nervous. At one point someone had called security to watch him just in case.

Apparently he was still mad about what was said to him last week and someone also was just joking with him that day with which he took it all wrong. Saying anything to him was just feeding his rage by the time Wednesday rolled around.

Anyway. He is suspended. But that doesn't mean he has his job. From what I have heard, he was told to completely change who he is or don't bother coming back. We are all glad he was not in yesterday because he showed so much anger, we were all wondering how muck bullet proof vests cost.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

"He's Having A Meltdown!"

There is a guy I work with that started about a year after me. He was given the same choices I have on my job. He has been given the ability to move up and make something of himself. Unfortunately he is still what we call "part-time plus". That means he gets crappy pay but is guaranteed 32 hours a week and gets benefits. I was stuck on "part-time plus" myself for about 1 year before I went full time.

The best description I have of this guy is something someone told me one day jokingly... but it was dead on. He is a cross between Butters and Tweek on SouthPark. Terrified of getting in trouble and freaks out for no apparent reason. No self-esteem and dresses like he is 20 when he is several years older than me. He just got his MBA but plans to do nothing with it, I think his (stern pants wearing) wife told him to do it for status. They just bought a house in one of the most expensive neighborhoods and just had a child.... all in the name of "status". You see, he AND his wife both come from money families. The vacations to Tahiti, London and Australia are all paid for. The house, kid and MBA are paid for. They get an allowance. The sad part is he doesn't realize that his hobbies can become something better for him. He is the complete electronics and communications geek. He is a fully certified HAM operator and uses most of his paychecks to get the latest technology for just about anything. Its hard to even start feeling sorry for him. He has invested most of his left-over money into US-European electrical converters so he can resell it on Ebay but still has yet to make a profit.

Because of his constant mistakes on the job he has made a derogatory name for himself over time on the job. The hard part about him is that he is actually blocking other people's path to go full time with our stupid seniority process we have. So, some people make fun of him out of fun.... and some people are just cruel. He has been able to whine his way out of making himself more useful at my job while keeping his nice schedule and benefits. This has effected even my ability to see Holly, so you might say I have come down pretty hard on him as well at times. Most of the time I try to be nice to him and coach him along. I remember having a conversation with him several months ago in which I asked him to resign and do something better with his life. He certainly has the ability and he fully agreed with me. Yet he has stayed parked at his current job doing nothing but the bare minimum to get by. He gets extremely good pay to come in for eight hours and only be active for 2 of them. On my down time I usually tracking program schedule changes, checking my effects and gear, editing video or whatever. He has gone far as to find the WiFi signals in the building and set up a mini internet cafe so he can sit around and cruise the web for no reason.

Seems like a pretty nice life right? Well... he seems to think its unfair. He is always having a "very bad day, the worst one yet". After all his bitching and whinning and moaning about how hard his life is... he has made himself a target for ridicule.

Now, I get to my point. Recently, the workload at my job has grown. Not only for me... but for everyone. Talent included. This has risen everyones stress level and their ability to remain composed. Recently sparks have flown because of policies being set that people don't like. We try to get everything done within certain time limits but sometimes we get into a crunch and EVERYONE has to stay late to get the job done. Even talent. So you can imagine that NOBODY wants to hear this guy cry and moan anymore.

Only last week one of our "talent" snapped at the guy and belittled him in front of everyone just to get him to shut-up. They have been having a growing feud for a couple years now. The feud is based off the fact that the above described guy just won't ... shut-up... constantly talking everyones ear off. The talent just had enough of him.

So, last night I was in the audio booth and getting microphone checks minutes before we are to go on air. Slowly going from mic to mic and guiding the camera ops through the process. When I opened the last mic to be checked I heard someone hysterically screaming and I knew who it was. I only caught the end of it.


I quickly keyed into the director and told him that "this guy" was losing it. The director told me to keep mics open to see if he yelled anymore, but it was silent. He was apparently yelling in between my mic checks at the "talent" in the studio and he got caught off guard. I was later told that the talent was also trying to contact the director to tell him that "this guy" is "having a meltdown". You can imagine that the show went on the air awkwardly after that point in time.

We all have our moments on the job. I have certainly had mine. But unfortunately "this guy" broke some unwritten rules and also shot himself in the foot.

Rule #1: The "talent" is always rightand you must back them up.

Rule #2: You do not create a negative feeling or mess with people 60 SECONDS before a show.

He shot himself in the foot because he has made no leverage for himself. He has not advanced himself in ability and skills. He has not made a good, long standing repore with the "talent" and himself.

I found out from the other people in the studio that he was ripping on two of the "talent" and hysterically swearing his head off at them.

To Be Continued......

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


During the last couple of years I lived with my Mother and Step-father, things got pretty bad and tangled. My Mother expected more than I could output. She expected me to believe in her religion. She expected me to adore her while ignoring all her faults. Mainly mental abuse by repetition.

My step-father wanted revenge against me. My Mother was accused of and punished for child abuse against my step-brother by his mother. Not that it never happened to me. Therefore, my step-brother could never step foot onto our property again. This enraged my step-father and he took it out on me with physical and mental abuse.

I needed a place to escape and be myself. When I was about 13 til the day I moved away, I took several night runs/walks. I didn't hurt anything or anyone. Usually I was accompanied by Alice In Chains and Megadeth in the walkman I had to conceal from my Mother. Below are descriptions of my....



This was the first exploration I did. It was the easiest trek and it ended on a nice wooded street with small houses on huge properties.

A fairly useless walk but very exciting. I would stay on the neighborhood streets for as long as I could so the Police would not catch me running again (yes.... busted several times). After hitting the main road I would quickly run across to the GE plant parking lot and walk around the building. Behind the building was wooded and eventually led to an old abandon road that runs the length of the park. At the bottom of the road/hill is the park opening and access out of Richmond Heights. Going down the main road would have ended me in a police cruiser.

The map doesn't show it, but the wooded area behind our street was a huge ravine with a drop of more than 250 feet. All mud, clay and shale rock. Once in the ravine, I would follow the creek to Richmond Road and walk beyond to hang around the shopping centers.

Eventually I realized by climbing into and then directly out of the ravine got me into Euclid where police didn't give a crap who was walking down the street. The only illegal thing was that I would climb into someones property to get out of the ravine and right past thier side door. This was quicker and less messy than the BLUE LINE.

I only did this once. Basically because it took me all night and into dawn to complete it. I spent time in 3 police cruisers trying to convince them that I lived close by where they picked me up. I ended up walking past University School by a mile or so.... I guess this walk was my goodbye to a different life... a different path.

This was not the only ways I got away from it all. When I did have my bicycle, which was consistently taken away from me, I have taken trips to Twinsburg, OH (36 miles round trip) and Berea, OH (58 miles round trip). Other trips included taking bike trips through the ghettos of Cleveland and taking a bus to Columbus, OH.

One of the more memorable ones was walking about 2 miles barefoot in the snow when I was extremely angry one day. The police picked me up because they were called by my step-father. I was on the phone with my sister at the local convenient store.

I would say nearly 99% of my "escapes" were unknown by my Mother and step-father. Quietly creep down the stairs, take about 5 minutes opening and closing the front door so that it would not squeek or make noise, then run!

I am proud of my rebelious past. This was MY escape to MY life.

Drinking questionnaire

Stolen from Lauren & Holly:

1. Have you ever been drunk?

2. How old were you the first time you got drunk?
14. Stole vodka from the "locked" cabinet. At a younger age my grandmother got me trashed on wine by accident... I'm not sure when.

3. Have you ever gotten/given digits while intoxicated?

4. Have you ever 'drunk dialed'?
Yes. I am sure they hate me.

5. Have you ever been drunk in front of family members?
Yes... but I usually tried to stay away.

6. Have you ever had to cover up the fact that you were drunk?
YES. Walked into work trashed. The broken blood vessels in my face were a dead give away though.

7. Have you ever been arrested for any alcohol-related crime?

8. Have you ever hooked up with someone while drunk?
Nope. Well, .... nothing I'm willing to discuss.

9. Ever forgot their name?
Nope. Never got the name?

10. When was the last time you were drunk?
Currently Samuel Adams: Octoberfest

11. Have you ever been on a drunken binge?

12. Do you need alcohol to have a good time?
No. I need it to chill out though.

13. What kind of alcohol gets you the most intoxicated?
Hard liquor.

14. Favorite liquor:

15. Favorite beer?
Corrona. Most Lagers.

16. Have you ever woken up after a night of drinking and found out that you are STILL drunk?

17. Have you ever swam drunk?
Not sure.

18. What kind of a drunk are you?
Most of my inhibitions go away... far... far away.

19. Is alcohol like "truth serum" to you?
Ask CV79.

20. Favorite drinking partners?

21. Favorite bar:
I work nights and my days off are Monday and Tuesday. You tell me. Though I enjoyed the Speak Easy at Britton Estates in New Hampshire.

22. Have you ever completely blacked out?
Not sure. So... lets just say yes.

23. Have you ever puked from drinking?

24. Have you ever had the 'crying drunks'?
Unfortunately. In a different life.

25. Can you still do physical activity while intoxicated?
I'm usually more physically active while drunk.

26. Have you ever gotten into a drunken fight?

27. Who is the most annoying drunk that you know?
Wall to Wall audience members after a game.

28. Who is the most flirtatious drunk?
I will agree with CV79. Definitely Trish.

29. Do you have a drunken nickname?
The guy on the bathroom floor.

30. Have you received a 'booty call'?

31. Funniest drunken scene in a movie:
Fear and Loathing in Lasd Vegas... not really drunk...but come on... close enough.

32. Favorite song(s) about drinking:
George Thoroghgood. Need I say more?

33. Have you ever woke up next to someone you didn't know?

34. Have you ever been hit on by someone way older than you?

35. What's the worst 'buzz kill'?
My sister calling me at a bar to bitch me out about the overflowed toilet that wasn't my fault.

36. Have you ever dated a bartender or bouncer or cocktail waitress?

37. Do you ever say to yourself, "Dang, I need a drink"?
At work after a bad show that went to hell. After hanging a reporter out to dry when the system crashes.

38. Do strangers ever buy you drinks?
Once when I was mixing a battle of the bands at a biker bar.

39. Have you ever drank too much on a date?

40. Is there anything that you refuse to drink?
That green crap that kills me everytime.

41. Have you ever been drunk on a plane?
Hell yeah. Not fun when landing.

42. Have you ever gotten drunk during the day?

43. Have you ever had to run from the cops and leave the beer behind?

44. What's your favorite drinking game?
Watching myself get drank under the table.

45. Have you ever injured yourself while drunk?
Most likely... how am I supposed to remember this stuff. Oh wait... bathroom door slamming into my head repeatedly.

46. What's the most destructive thing that has happened while you were drunk?
Fell asleep on active train tracks under 6 inches of snow.

47. Ever been drunk at a concert?

48. Is this survey getting too long?
Getting drunker as we go...

49. Are you ready for the last question?
If you are.

50. Why do you drink?
I enjoy beer and wine. Fills the crappy days I have off alone away from my favorite person.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Just a couple doors down.

Police Report - Burglary

Occured: September 16, 2005 10:35 AM - 11:19 AM



Yes, we keep our doors locked tight.

Monday, September 12, 2005

My 2 Cents

Ah yes, the taboo conversations. The ideals of people that have ripped apart families and nations. What is supposed to the reason for our civilization that has cause more war, death and pain. Thats right, I'm giving you my opinion on Politics and Religion.

Lets start with the easy one.


I hate politicians. They are liars and cheaters. They didn't get to where they are without ripping somebody off. You don't get to the top of your affiliation or political party without using people as pedistals and clawing their eyes out. I believe that all politicians are evil. Monarchy, Dictatorship, Communist, Green Party, Taliban, Democrats, War Lords, Republicans or whatever your favorite party, they all fill the same boat in my opinion. All equally evil and hungry for power and money.

Unfortunately there is no escaping politics. You must deal with it or you have no voice in your society. I shouldn't complain because I live in a society where I can voice my opinion without consequence. In most places in the world, people have little or no access to their central government and when they do vocalize, they are met with brute negative forces. Its bad politicians that create that scenario though.

Living in, the now, ebarrassing nation of the United States, I choose the lesser of all the evils.

Sorry independants, I cannot trust your word because you are not a team player and like any other politician, you lie. There is a difference in your lie though. You are not held accountable because you have created you own affiliation that can change its basic views without oversight or consequence.

Sorry small parties. I like my vote to actually count during an election. I know that my vote to you would be a protest against the larger parties but in the end, you are only talk and don't provide anything to anyone. You are nothing but an untested idea and your efforts could be better used by joining the enemy.

Sorry Republicans. I guess if I was your ideal human, you might seem to make sense to me. Very white, land owner, christian church going, loyal to greed, hard headed, 2.5 childeren and your all zombies. Though you have created that "American Dream" exclusive niche to get votes and currently control our government here, I don't believe in all those needs. I don't think its realistic to just create a dream for people to live for. That excludes almost your whole entire population. You may be able to con most of the citizens into thinking they are just like what you want them to be, but seriously, your party knows this is not possible. Slashing goverment programs to help people live a life with some type of quality and giving some fanatical religious states the right to make up thier own horseshit paranoid laws is just sad. One persons idea of living does not have to equal your formula of the "American Dream".

Sorry, George Walker Bush. Though you pose as a Republican, during your time as a president you have done almost everything to make that seem impossible. You added a secretary to your cabinet when most republicans want to downsize the federal government. You linked local, state and federal officials under a new branch of law inforcement... again, totally un-Republican. You cut off millions of veterans from getting the medical care they deserve, forcing people to either stay in the military doning things they don't want to or they must suffer. You created a backdoor draft that has forced tens of thousands of your reserve military to the front lines of a bogus war. You used something horrible like the terrorist attacks as a pawn to play war in a country that was "contained" at worst. Iraq was not the threat till you sent troops in. You have lied to the people who "voted" you in, even though I have my own suspsions about that as well. You used your "Threat Level Color Bar" to play with the fears and emotions of the people of the United States and beyond. You are not a Republican, you are a tyrant, a dictator, a liar and a wimp. I would stand fully behind people who would impeach you from power and try you for treason. Treason for making up stories about Iraq in order to make a profit making war for yourself; therefore responsible murdering thousands of your own people for your own gain.

Democrats. You are a bunch of fucking wierdos. Your party attracts criminals and the true gutter slime of America. You include all the races, sexual oriantations, religions and thoughts. This I like. Though we are a contry of a huge melting pot, you recognize that we are all different in a positive way. While Republicans are trying to con illegal imigrants with drivers licenses for support, you are charged fixing the problem they have made. I don't want my goverment to be afraid of new ways of doing things and I don't want my government to exclude people (even the people I dislike). Though I don't always agree and you sometime pander too much to whinny babies, I must use you as my voice in government. I know you will accept my non-religious, unethical, unconventional voice.


I am a firm believer that organized religion has caused more problems than good. Though sometimes the shinning star in some of humanities darkest hours, I can't help to not remember all the millions murdered in the name of...

Islam. I find this to be a very ritualized religion. The more rituals, I find, the more fanatisism. The Haaj... have you ever realized the amount of steps you must take in order to complete the "journey"? Its rediculous. I know that the Koran does not teach people to kill or be mean to people. In case a reader may not know, the only difference between Christians and Muslims is that Jesus was NOT the correct profit, but Muhammed. Hence the branch of the history took its own course. I am not totally studied in this religion, I know enough that it can be easily altered to be used as a weapon. I firmly believe that all muslims are a good people but I think the clerics need to weed out the fanatical evil bastards that show up at their places of worship to recruit people for Jihad. The good clerics need to take resposibility and control of the situation better. I think that this religion is in the same phase the Christianity was a thousand years ago and beyond and the United States Government current attitude towards this religion is not helping the situation.

Christianity. This would include the Empire of Roman Catholics, Byzatine Catholics, Lutherans, Protestants, Methodists (don't deny it), Baptists and evey other branch of the followers of the New Testament. Your history consists of feeding living people to wild animals, waging war against people for thier beliefs, burning living people at the stake, rape, molestation, mass suicides and everything else evil. Though the teachings of your book does not teach you to act in this manner, you did anyway. The only good thing that I can say about Christianity is that it has protected civilizations greatest arts and education at certain points. Again, through your acts of rituals, you create fanatics that try to push their beliefs upon others at any cost. Your current crimes are the hardships you have created in Africa with your gang war mentality against Islam.

Judaism. Still living in the Old Testament you have been the most persecuted people. I cannot agree with your actions in Isreal. I cannot back-up my own governments funding of your military. Your Orthodox people are causing the most problems right now and the moderates are just standing by. I really have no complaint at this point in my life about this religion. I can only ask that you open your minds and eyes.

Jahova's Witnesses. Um, its not the end of the world. Your church leader needing to know where you are... all the time... I'm sorry, this is just a sad cult to me. Its not good for you to be scared all the time, it will burn a hole in your stomach.

Believers of multiple Gods. I don't believe there are any serious active religions like this currently, though, not totally sure about that. The Greeks, Animists and other cultures have definitly created a lot of very interesting stories and culture. Like the religions above, these cultures were based on rituals that I cannot agree with.

Wicca, Voodoo and beyond. Interesting. But a little too sensationalized to be taken seriously.

Hindu and Buddhist Religions. The hardest religions to understand. Basically what I get out of it is that its not about a god or how people should be as a whole. Its more about you, in the selfish sense. I have to say, I totally agree with the teachings that I have been taught and have found in my life. Don't take too much, don't starve yourself, just take what you need and everything in life. Basic science tells you that everything in moderation is healthy. This can include tangible items as well as feelings, thoughts and words. I do not lable myself with a religion, but if I did, it would be this.

You see, to me, seeing is believing. You saying that you believe in God and Christ is like saying that you believe in monsters and ghosts. It just doesn't make any sense. Religions have a responsibility to keep thier congregations on track but that can only happen in a perfect world. If we lived in a perfect world, what would religion be used for? Organized religions usually rule their people by fear. "Do something bad and you will goto HELL!" You should never have to be scared into doing the right thing. Doing the right thing would be to do the most civilized thing; to not act like a wild animal. Whats so hard about that?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Dead On.

Please watch the entire clip. Though just an editorial, I believe the individual is speaking what every sane person is thinking right now.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Anarchy In The N.O.

Another rant.

At this point in time I am comparing disasters of recent memory.

When the World Trade Center was hit. It stunned our nation and the people of New York, for the most part, stuck together and worked through problem.

When New York lost their electricity due to carelessness in an Ohio power plant, for the most part, people stuck together and worked through the problem.

When hurricanes continually hit Florida last year some people were screwed over 3 times in a row. Somehow, though not all completely resolved, people stuck together and worked through the problem.

New Orleans. Life must have been near perfect there. Their ignorance of the fact that they live in a bowl surrounded by water must have been blissful. Looting. Rape. Murder. Police burglurizing Banks. Suicide. People shooting at the helicopters that are trying to help them.

I have had reports through people that people will not show themselves to rescuers because they have already witnessed murders in the middle of the street in broad daylight. The good people who were waiting to get rescued are now hiding in water full of shit armed to the teeth and willing to shoot anyone. Thats is a direct report from somebody doing just that, right now.

Obviuosly, New Orleans is to Criminals as Brazil is to War Criminals.

The rant is over, now the solution.

1) Send in military with live rounds, if you do not leave the city peacefully, you do not leave alive.

2) All able bodied refugees are now part of the rescue, humanitarian and restoration process. You do not help, you do not eat. I'm tired of seeing large and strong men waiting outside these refugee areas waiting for a "hand-out" and complaining about it.

3) All refugees that need medical help or simple cannot handle labor due to health will get the first and foremost aide in the region.

My overall thoughts on the situation.

People know the southeastern part of the US as a place to vacation. That place you go to see boobs and only having to pay a string of beads. The swamp people. The hicks. Trailer trash. The Big Easy. The pinnacle of racist america. The the part of the US thats the skeleton in the closet. You don't see politicians bragging about our southeast to other countries.

Why are people confused on the why there is bias towards helping people there as opposed to other parts of the US?


Right ! now ! ha ha ha ha ha

I am an antichrist
I am an anarchist
Don’t know what I want but
I know how to get it
I wanna destroy the passer by cos i

I wanna be anarchy !
No dogs body

Anarchy for the New Orleans it’s coming sometime and maybe
I give a wrong time stop a trafic line
Your future dream is a shopping scheme cos i

I wanna be anarchy !
In the delta

How many ways to get what you want
I use the best I use the rest
I use the enemy I use anarchy cos i

I wanna be anarchy !
The only way to be !

Is this the Bloods?
Or is this the Cryps?
Or is this the N.O.P.D.?
I thought it was the New Orleans or just
Another country
Another council tenancy

I wanna be an anarchist
Oh what a name
Get pissed destroy !

It had to be done :-)