Problem Finder -or- Problem Solver?
I got a real problem with being a picky son of a bitch. I'm not sure if I'm just making things harder on myself or if I'm the only one that doesn't cut corners. Now, I'm gonna give you some examples and you can tell me if you understand this. This may be terrifying or amusing to you.1) Postal Delivery.I take postal delivery very seriously. I also take notice of all the federal laws connected to people’s mail. Messing with the wrong mail can land you in jail easily. People have gone to jail for things like putting non-stamped fliers in peoples mailboxes and situations like not putting the correct amount of stamps on letters consistently. I guess it doesn't help I ran a mailroom for 3 years. I recently broke off the flier hooks on our mailbox because our mailbox is old and frail and those damn bastards kept putting ad bags on them EVERYDAY. When the wind blew it would wind the bag around a hundred times making it almost impossible to get them off. But this is besides the point I'm getting to. Within the last year, our regular mail carrier was either fired or removed from his route for being extremely lazy. I remember not getting the mail till after 6pm. I remember passing him on my way to work everyday at about 3:20pm not more that a quarter mile away from our place. He would be in the little quirky mail truck with his feet up on the dashboard, food in one hand, a cell phone in the other, cigarette in the mouth and just gabbing away as if not a care in the world. Ever since that dickhead was deleted, we have been getting a rotation of about 4 or 5 carriers. Most of the carriers are great and very consistent. We have even had our mail delivered before 10AM once! But there is one bad one that hits the rotation. He is the one that mixes up the whole streets mail so that everybody gets the wrong stuff. He is the one that walks through people’s flower gardens to take short cuts. So, overtime this guy delivers our mail, there is usually something incorrect about it. For the most part I ignored the flaw and just put the incorrect mail back in our box. Until one day. The day I got a letter addressed to an address in St. Louis, MO that came from California. I was bewildered. I know that the post office uses a lot of hand writing recognition scanners that can screw up, but a human intentionally put the mail into my mailbox. I stomped down the street to catch the mail carrier and and questioned what the hell he was doing. With a simple and sad apology he took the letter and walked away. Ever since then he has continually given us mail from several different addresses on our street and I have been consistently filing complaints through . After about the 4th complaint I feel that the main post office has finally got the message that a single mail carrier is causing the havoc. Their big solution? I now have a sticker on my mailbox, placed there by the postal service, that reads: "LETTER CARRIER: PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK ADDRESS FOR ACCURACY" Isn't that the whole fucking point of having a human deliver the mail? Isn't that "Mail Delivery 101"? I think it’s a sad day when the post office has to remind itself to read the address before they put it in your mailbox.2) Rental MaintenanceFor the most part our landlords have been cool. They have fixed various things and have not raised our rent. Since we have not been too demanding and we have inhabited the residence for several years and paid rent on time, I though it was time to get some major things fixed. We came to an agreement to fix 3 things after my initial inquiry in March. The living room floor needed extra supports because it was wobbly. The doors and windows need to be resealed because they leak outside air like crazy. The drainage pipe leading to the street curb needs to be replaced due to the fact it’s crushed and all the excess water makes its way back into our basement. The floor was fixed immediately. It was fixed in April or May, I forget. No problems there. The door and window seals have been ignored. Then downgraded to only resealing the doors by the maintenance guy. This has yet to be done. The drainage pipe is the problem. The same maintenance guy kept coming out, after I repeatedly called him, and he would just stare at the problem and make a bunch of promises. One day in late June he came out to survey the problem and tried to downgrade the issue. So he dug a hole where the main drainage pipe leads out of the structure. The pipe was snapped in half exactly where he dug. PLUS the fact that the pipe is visible crushed by the street. So he left with the hole uncovered. It wasn't until early August when I gave up on trying to reason with the guy and sent an informative but stern e-mail to our landlords. In that e-mail, I quoted city code. Two days later the guy was outside digging trenches and picking out pieces of crushed pipe everywhere. That was on the 13th. Six days later he shows up with some pipe and starts attaching pieces. I went outside at one point to talk but he just ignored me. Poor baby had to do the work he was supposed to do months earlier. That was on the 19th.
I have yet to see him work on it again. I still have several small trenched in the yard with visible pipe lying about and a single lonely orange cone marking the largest hole. I hope he doesn't thing he is almost finished because he has only gotten about 20 feet of the pipe replaced. Ignoring the fact that the pipe goes under the sidewalk and connect to a hole in the curb. Ignoring the fact that there is a second pipe that comes from a gutter that he completely missed. In fact, the pipe he has laid is actually rammed into the dirt and doesn't connect to anything at all. Shitty work if you ask me. Because of shitty work and attitudes, the foundation has cracks that are widening and the north side of our basement has a lot of mold. I mean, a LOT of mold. As I told the landlords, the more you wait, the more expensive it gets. Bandaging the problem instead of doing the proper fix is only delaying the inevitable.
I pay rent for that basement and I expect to be able to use the whole thing. One day the maintenance guy asked me what my deal was. I told him it’s all in the city building code and that he should look into it.
Just in case you think I am digging my own grave on this one, there is a law that protects renters from back lashing crabby landlords in this situation. Plus, I haven't even started to act on escrow, which will be my next option if the landlords do not agree with me in this situation.
3) Customer Service Telephone Numbers
This is more of a general argument. Why do companies list customer service telephone numbers anymore? Most of the time, before I call that wonderful 1-800 number, I have already looked up some of the information I was looking for on the Internet. If the Internet is insufficient, according to me, then I pick up the phone for that human touch that can tell me what the web site is not. That’s how it’s supposed to work .... Right?
How come I know more about the company that the alleged "expert", "account manager" and/or "customer service" representative? How come I get a shitty attitude when I ask for detailed information? How come I know more about their problems than they do? I get a shocked sound from them when I explain my problem? Yet, I waited for 20 minutes... what am I waiting for?
What a waste of money! Don't ship it to India either, because they are all in the same boat as the rest of the CSRs in the US. Fire 'em all. Use the money more on your web site. AND DON'T put those stupid chat screens in... I've actually been ignored in the customer service chat rooms before! Cut the human resource and stick with machines... they don't lie or give you an attitude or get sleepy or take extra long breaks while everyone is on hold. I ask all companies to purge their telephone rooms of the gutter slime that leeches your bottom line and fill them with useful computer servers please.
What companies am I talking about? Electric companies, gas companies, rental companies, TELEPHONE companies, computer manufacturers, internet companies, cable companies... you get the idea. Oh yeah, banks. I got into a huge fight with a bank guy one time, it got REAL nasty... but thats a story for another day. Too bad a computer can't replace out drainage pipe.
Oh, Bob!
Our own Ohio Governor Bob Taft was just found guilty of 4 ethics violations which amounts to 4 misdemeanors in the state of Ohio. The governor did plead "no contest". Just so you understand, the judge found him guilty but the governor did not admit guilt. He only plead "no contest".
His sentence was to pay a fine of $1,000 per charge ($4,000) and to make a very public apology.
The ethics violations he was guilty of were mainly not reporting "gifts" over the value of $75.00. This is the purely innocent part of the whole mess. I just caught Bob in a lie in a press conference just now though. He said that as soon as he found out about the violations he committed, he turned himself in to the Ohio ethics committee. Untrue. This whole thing would have been kept hidden if his "friends" would not have messed up in the last several months. Some of the "gifts" received by our governor were golf outings with his good buddy Tom Noe. After going on golf outings with Tom Noe, Bob Taft then paid a visit to the Bureau of Workmens Compensation. The visit to the bureau consisted of our own Governor pushing Tom Noe's junk bonds that he wanted the state to invest in. The investment consisted of several hundred million dollars in rare coins and wine.
This is where the problem really starts.
Tom Noe bought the coins with his own money well before he ever pitched the idea to our Governor. When Tom had the coins in his personal possession he then started a "third party" business that revalued the coins. He then purposefully inflated the actual value of the coins, sometimes 30 times the actual value. Tom then went golfing with Bob and talked him into the investment. Governor Bob Taft took the investment "advice" from Tom Noe and forced the Bureau of Workmens Compensation into unknowingly buying the bonds that were already illegally inflated in value.
When the bureau was routinely audited of its investments, the treasury found the the loss of literally hundreds of millions of dollars. The largest loss I have heard was close to 500 million dollars. The bureau is being investigated in why they did not report the steep loss when it all began. Tom Noe is being busted for conning the state government. They have also found that after making the investment for the state, he began using the money he basically stole for his own personal use. This also includes using the stolen money to fund more golf outings with Governor Bob Taft. Meanwhile, Tom Noe's wine business partners in Colorado were also lining their pockets with scammed Ohio tax dollars.
This is the way I see it. Bob Taft tried to cover up the fact he knew Tom Noe when the coin scandal started. Therefore he broke the ethics laws of Ohio. Bob is obviously too stupid to make sure his business "friends" are not con artists. Because of Bob's stupidity the state lost millions of dollars that are supposed to be spent on the welfare of its own people. I personally believe that the leader of our state should be held responsible for that loss as well because he was used as the manipulated mule to create the scandal in the first place. Hence, the reason why he committed the crimes he was found guilty of today. He knew full well he was part of it as soon as the treasury found the worthless bonds. More to come.
Some facts you may enjoy.
---Bob Taft is the grandson of President William Howard Taft. The 27th President of the United States of America from 1909 to 1913. Both are Republican.
--- President W.H. Taft is the first president to play golf and helped make the sport popular in the United States.
---Governor Bob Taft is the first Ohio Governor to be found guilty of a crime, ironically enough, because of his golf outings.
---Governor Bob Taft's approval rating was last found at less than 15%.
---This is Governor Bob Taft's 2nd term. Somehow he got re-elected with a poor approval rating? We may have to investigate Ken Blackwell (another Taft pal) who is in the middle of a no-bid contract with sleazy DieBold Corporation in making computerized voting machines.
We Care A Lot
"Its a dirty job but someones gotta do it..." That phrase started bouncing around in my head tonight. It comes from the old Faith No More song on their "Introduce Yourself" album. I am remembering it because Discovery channel has been promoting a new show with that song... but it was triggering by the events of last night. Therefore, it’s stuck in my head...
Holly went to great lengths to make my evening enjoyable. Though, I was not really thrilled about my sister coming over, I figured it would make an interesting evening. It was supposed to be my 30th birthday party. I didn't want anything major but at the very least, Holly wanted somebody over. If you have been reading this blog, you know that turning 30 is something major for me.
So my sister showed up early for once, catching us off guard. Her and her four kids. The kids are pretty cool even though the 3 boys are still a bit young.... and loud. Somehow, I know that deep down, they are good kids. I feel bad for Emily because it seems to me, my sister takes a lot of her anger out on my niece. Anyway, they came. My sister brought some wine, party favors (to be funny) and some food that Holly requested her to bring. For the most part it was quiet except for the blow horns my sister brought with her. The boys were having a blast with those. Holly and Laura (my sister) kept the small talk going while I kept my mouth shuttered for the most part. After 4 months of ignoring me, don't expect much from me. If she really care, she would have called. "We care a lot about disasters, fires, floods and killer bees We care a lot about the NASA shuttle falling in the sea We care a lot about starvation and the food that Live Aid bought We care a lot about disease, baby Rock, Hudson, rock, yeah! We care a lot about the gamblers and the pushers and the geeks We care a lot about the crack and smack and whack that hits the street We care a lot about the welfare of all the boys and girls We care a lot about you people cause we're out to save the world YEAH! And it's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it" So, after I grilled the burgers and had several beers and wine I was sitting there with my sister at the table. Still eating actually. I think Holly was in the bathroom. After my sister boasted about how she took her kids on a vacation to Washington, D.C. and Virginia Beach. After she continually talked about her latest sugar daddy, I figured it was time for my subject matter. So I asked her a question that she had talked about previously with Holly.
"So, you joining us on the boat next year?" Meaning: Are you coming to our wedding? The one that Holly and I have been splitting hairs and working on for months now. The wedding we wanted to make extremely special after all of our years together. The wedding my sister saw coming even from last year. Thus, this shouldn't have been a suprize. Its still a year away from happening.
She immediately broke down crying. She told me she couldn’t afford paying for 5 people. I then told her she didn't need to bring 5 people, she should just come herself. She wouldn't budge and even tried to make me feel bad about not including her 4 children.
- Laura tried to tell me they are starving and its unfair I would make it so expensive.
### No, it’s not a motive against her.
- Laura told me it was unfair for us to pay for Holly's 2 family members to go, but not for her.
### Holly's family’s finances and OUR finances, are none of her business.
- Laura told me it was unfair because she supposedly "raised me" when my father wasn't there for us, but its not fair he gets to go.
### Nope, that’s all horseshit. She also made the mistake of assuming the relationship between my father and myself. While she has been blowing me off for the last 6 years, my father and I have been working hard to keep in touch.
- Laura couldn't understand why we didn't consult her first.
### Why in the FUCK would I consult my ignorant sister on HOW I was going to get married? When’s the last time you have heard anywhere that the sister gets say in how the brother gets married? Are you fucking kidding me?
- Laura thought this was a way to exclude her from seeing me get married.
### Yes, the world is revolving around you and is against you Laura.
She continually laid it on pretty thick. She, in fact, just wouldn't stop. Her children were in the next room listening quietly as she made more of an ass out of herself. At some points Holly and I were both yelling at her. At other points it was Holly while I went to cool off outside and vice-versa. I know Holly wanted to kick her ass at a couple points when my sister started talking shit about her family. "We care a lot about the army navy air force and marines We care a lot about the SF, NY and LAPD We care a lot about you people, about your guns about the wars you're fighting gee that looks like fun We care a lot about the Garbage Pail Kids, they never lie We care a lot about Transformers cause there's more than meets the eye We care a lot about the little things, the bigger things we top We care a lot about you people yeah you bet we care a lot, YEAH! Well, it’s a dirty job but someone's gotta do it And it's a dirty song but someone's gotta sing it" If you think I let her get the best of the situation, you are dead wrong. It’s a dirty job but I had to do it. Since I can read right through my sister and realized she was trying to scam 5 free tickets ($3000.00) by acting like an emotional idiot. I let her have it.
Started off by saying,"Don't you dare continue to make Holly and I feel bad about our wedding". But she continued.
Then I went deeper and told her how I was not going to halt my plans because of her shitty decisions in life. I'm not the one who had the 4 kids, defaulted on house payments or even got married in order to resolve a feud. She is the one who got divorced under false pretenses when she would later admit to me she WAS, in fact, sleeping around. And I especially loved how in each of these situations, I warned her that things would be bad... each time, she blew me off. So, I'm supposed to respect her wishes? Its like telling someone to stop stabbing themselves but they continually do it anyway... then, when they are finished and dead, it becomes your fault. Yeah, lots of respect there.
What really set me off, she tried to blame the fact that because she didn't get enough child support, she is unable to go. Hmmm, I remember this all clearly now. My sister wanted the divorce and she wanted it quick and dirty. Her ex has been scamming the government and evading taxes with the help of his employer, in which my sister was reaping the benefits from for the whole time. When it came time to get it all straight in court, he scammed the court and my sister folded. She could have nailed him to the wall. He makes about $3500.00/month under the table but he is only responsible to pay $300.00/month for all 4 children. If she was smart, she could have nailed him for $300.00 per child/per month. The court would have kept him out of jail for the welfare of the children. Then again, WHATS THIS GOTTA DO WITH MY WEDDING? How did this become my fault?
After our failing and fledgling relationship, why would my sister thing she had a say in anything? Why did she have to ruin the evening that Holly set up for me? Why did she feel it necessary to try to stop me from doing what I want. In real relationships, the thing you want most for the person you truly care about is simple. Let them be happy in what they pursue. Does my sister even realize that she only damaged our sibling relationship even more after the events of last night?
I don't trust my sister at all. It’s always about her and what she can gain. In this case, she wanted free tickets and she is not getting them, hence the temper tantrum. Its not like she wouldn't be there because she supported my relationship with Holly. I think we all know she has tried to derail our relationship several times.
And the kids went home without getting cake and ice cream, what a bitch.
Thanks for not caring at all, Laura.
Eve of age.
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Police Report - Miscellaneous Incident
It does not pay to be nice in every situation.
Stress, Change & Rumor Control
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Today's Headlines
My department head gave me the "go ahead" on the amount of time I will be asking for the pre-selection vacation time I am planning. Booking a boat will happen soon. One of the boats we are looking at is asking only $200 per person deposit and the total of $665 per person. Call me now if interested.
Return of the Jar-Jar
This article has been retracted for special reasons.If you are interested in reading this article, please send an e-mail with the name of the article you want to read and your real name.E-M@IL: Benners' World